Smarter waste management leads to less use of natural resources. That is why we make the most of waste.
Some waste streams are infrequent or require special treatment. Our Special Waste team thinks along with customers.
Energy from waste saves the use of fossil fuels. This helps to reduce CO2 emissions.
AEB processes residual waste from municipalities and companies. We extract as many valuable materials as possible from the waste. What remains we incinerate efficiently and in doing so we supply electricity and heat for a growing number of households and businesses. In this way, AEB plays an important role in the sustainability ambitions of Amsterdam and the municipalities around us.
We get as much raw materials and returns from waste as possible in a responsible manner. Read more about our mission.
Every day we work hard to improve and develop our installations and systems.
We are very much aware of the important role we play in society in contributing to sustainability. Read more about our social media responsibility.
When it comes to priorities, it's safety first at AEB. Find our safety procedures and documentation here.
Please contact us if you have any inquiries. We're happy to help and think along with you to provide solutions to your waste problems!
Australiëhavenweg 21
1045 BA Amsterdam
Postbus 58292
1040 HG Amsterdam