For many processors and collectors of waste, incineration with energy recovery is a more sustainable choice, even if transport of the waste is taken into account. Our incineration plant obtains such a high energy yield from the waste that, from an environmental point of view, this is preferable to landfill. AEB has many years of experience in processing waste streams from different countries of different qualities. We can help with the administration of international transport of waste.
For many processors and collectors of waste, incineration with energy recovery is a more sustainable choice, even if transport of the waste is taken into account. Our incineration plant obtains such a high energy yield from the waste that, from an environmental point of view, this is preferable to landfill. AEB has many years of experience in processing waste streams from different countries of different qualities. We can help with the administration of international transport of waste.
Do you want to know more about what we can do for your company? Please get in touch with us.
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